Spring Registration - January 5th-8th Spring 2025 Session Dates: Feb 13 - April 24 Snowball Dance - January 3rd, 7:00-10:00

Interested Family Questionnaire

indicates a required answer

1. *

Full Name

2. *

Email address

3. *

Marital status

Married Single
Domestic Partnership

Name of spouse or partner, if applicable

5. *

Ages of all children who may attend Learning Tree or any of our social events. Please separate by commas, and include infants.

6. *

How did you learn about The Learning Tree?


What are you looking for in a co-op group?


Do you participate in other co-ops? If so, which ones?

9. *

Are you a Christian?


If so, where do you attend church?

11. *

Are you willing to abide by our statement of purpose, as stated in our Handbook?

Yes No
12. *

What are your preferred ways to serve in our group? Select all that apply.

 (1 required)
Teaching Coordinating field trips
Coordinating hang-outs Planning parties or dances
Yearbook Assisting in classes
Set-up or clean-up Website
Front desk help Hall monitor
Substitute/Float Administrative help outside of co-op days

What are your areas of interest or expertise? (Past or present job experience, hobbies, etc.)

14. *

Are there any special needs among your children that will need to be considered for classes or while selecting your volunteer placement?

15. *

Do you, as the parent, have any health or family issues that may impact your involvement or ability to serve? (Foster parenting, babysitting, chronic illness, etc.) Please note that answers do not have an effect on membership, but help us to know how we can accommodate when working on the volunteer schedule.

Please bring any questions you may have with you to the New Member Meeting.